Commercial Residential Cleaning & Restoration in Pennsylvania, NJ & Delaware

Drape Cleaning

Experience the difference with our gentle yet effective drape cleaning service. We ensure your drapes are not just clean, but also retain their color and texture.

bed frame cleaning near me

Bed Frame Cleaning

Don't overlook the bed frame! Our team meticulously cleans and sanitizes bed frames, ensuring every nook and cranny is dust-free.

outdoor furniture cleaning

Outdoor Furniture Cleaning

Extend the life of your outdoor furniture with our thorough cleaning services. Perfect for patios, decks, and garden furniture.

mattress cleaning near me

Mattress Cleaning

Sleep peacefully knowing your mattress is free of dust mites and allergens. Our deep cleaning process guarantees a fresher, healthier sleep environment.

Curtain Cleaning

Brighten up your rooms with our curtain cleaning service. From delicate lace to heavy blackout curtains, we handle them all with care.

Eco-Friendly Solutions

We use environmentally friendly cleaning agents, ensuring they are safe and non-toxic for your family, children, and pets.

Additional Services

At NEO Services, we believe that a clean home is a happy home. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of specialized cleaning services to keep every inch of your home spotless. Discover our additional services that go beyond the basics.

Grey furniture in the garden of elegant home

NEO Services: Refreshing Every Corner of Your Home

Beyond our standard offerings, NEO Services takes pride in addressing less common, yet equally important aspects of home cleanliness. Our drape and curtain cleaning services are a testament to this, ensuring that these elegant fixtures are not just visually appealing, but also hygienic, free of allergens and dust. Likewise, the cleanliness of your bed, from the mattress to the frame, is vital for a healthy sleeping environment. Our meticulous cleaning methods are designed to remove dust mites, allergens, and stains, providing you with the peace of mind for a good night’s sleep. But our care doesn’t stop at your doorstep. We extend our services to outdoor furniture, recognizing that these pieces face the elements and require specialized attention to maintain their appearance and longevity. With NEO Services, every item, whether indoors or outdoors, receives the utmost care and attention to detail.

Our approach at NEO Services is holistic; we don’t just clean, we rejuvenate and enhance. This philosophy is evident in our commitment to using eco-friendly cleaning solutions and state-of-the-art equipment. We understand that each fabric and material has its unique needs, and our team is expertly trained to handle a wide variety of items with the appropriate techniques. Whether it’s the delicate lace of your curtains or the rugged fabric of your outdoor furniture, our cleaning process ensures that they are not only clean but also preserved in their best condition. We believe in a personalized service experience. That’s why we offer customized cleaning plans tailored to the specific needs of your home and family. At NEO Services, we’re not just a cleaning company; we’re your partners in maintaining a pristine, healthy, and comfortable home environment.

Discover the NEO Services difference

From drape and mattress cleaning to rejuvenating outdoor furniture, our team brings expertise and care to every aspect of your home. Experience a cleaner, healthier living environment with our eco-friendly, tailored solutions. Let us transform your space into a pristine sanctuary.

mattress cleaning before and after photos mattress cleaning near me

We are proudly serving The East Coast for 15+ years.

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At NEO Services, we’re committed to excellence in cleaning with a focus on detail. We offer transparent pricing and use top organic products and premium machines for diverse cleaning needs, ensuring superior quality every time.

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